torsdag 25 februari 2010


i wake up to the sound of my mobile. but i dont get up i just lay there.
after some time i hear some anoying sound... yes, thats right. my sister sitting in the livingroom watching a movie.

i ask her nicley if she cud respekt that there is other people in the house.
and she just sputter's at me.
well i notice that its the get angry as fuck at your brother day (lucky its not the other week ;))
so i take the phone and call dad. well now she's angry but atleased shes in her room.

not to loong after i hear the musik. i try to negotiate with her some but as before but even angryer as i called dad.

well i cud have lived with it. but as this day i where going to take a shower. and the bathroom is wall to wall with her room. so i tryed to negotiate some more. wich dident work. so well fuck it, dad here comes one more call.
this time he desided to call her mobile. said and done but what? no differense in the musik.

onece again i try to negotiate with her.
but to be onest i whould have hed more luck convinsing the house to walk 500meters south...
so, thats my morning both beutyfull and destruktive hellish.

atleased im now a reindeer insead of a elk. (clean and reindeer in swedish is the same word. funny, we know ;))

so, now what to do? my companion is taking care of the dishes at her place.

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