måndag 31 maj 2010


there is a teardropp in my eye. the only thing about my life that made me happy is about to come to an end. all the good and nice people iv meet during the last three years.

if only i cud see if my future continiues on a good line or if it goes down a slipery path. there isent many things in my life that actualy made sence, and all of them happend the past time.

is there a path to take? might i be able to get to my place?
i want to get to be a direktor. but tog get there i need to take the road of studying and finaly start at the botom maby behind or infront of the camera.

well its almost time to take the boring buss to schol and get started with retrewing some tips on fotografy. i know that my grade is only for my knowlage about it and not my crapy photos.

so thank you Magnus for a good education

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